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Tuning Out Television

We are trying something new at our home….time without television. Instead of waiting until the “new year” to try, and fail, at yet another resolution, we decided to give it a go now. I feel that as parents, we sometimes use our television sets as babysitters. It occupies their time and keeps them out of our hair. Unfortunately, I believe we are creating unproductive and unimaginative children. When we were little, we had to go outside and play. It’s very rare that you see children outdoors playing. They are usually inside, parked in front of a TV playing a video game or watching yet another program that is not suited for them. Prime time TV schedules have plummeted, with those shows that are not rated for children being shown at a time when they are surely watching. We’ve had enough.

Instead of spending time “vegging” out in front of the TV, our children are spending time learning about something we feel is not taught in school….what it means to spend time with your family. Our decision, for now, is to participate in family reading time after dinner. We think books are an excellent way to stimulate a child’s mind. Children can create the scenes in their minds. They can visualize the characters in their own unique way, instead of assigning a Hollywood face to each one.  They are learning that the characters are not always “pretty”.

For November, we decided on the book “Night” by Elie Wiesel. It is an account of his time spent in a concentration camp in Auschwitz. It’s upsetting and deep, but our children need to know the truth about what happened and why….so that it never happens again. Next month might be family reading time or we may spend every evening working jigsaw puzzles. The important thing is that we are spending time together as a family, re-establishing relationships with one another and strengthening bonds that we hope will last for generations. Might I encourage you to do the same?

I'm just sayin',



Chris Barnette said…
How is it working out? Any kicking and screaming? Good stuff..will have to try that at our house :-)

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