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Personal Jesus....

I've been away from this blog for 2 years.  Since there are 7 billion other blogs out there, I doubt anyone noticed!  :-) It's all good - I'm not offended! It appears the blogger log-in page is much more user friendly and not as complicated to navigate.  Just when I had the other system figured out.  So if you don't see alot of changes in background, font, links, etc., it is because I haven't figured out where those things are hidden in the new system.  Anyway.....

This song has been stuck in my head for days!  I hate when this happens.  The version that keeps running through my head is by Depeche Mode.  When looking up the song to download to my phone (working on the assumption that if I hear it repeatedly it will leave in frustration), I found that there are quite a few versions available.  One of those versions was recorded by Johnny Cash and is my husband’s favorite.  Other artists covering this song include Marilyn Manson and someone by the name of Richard Cheese.

Here are the links to versions I do not like:

In the meantime….~Uptown girl, she's been living in her uptown world….~  …nope, it is still there…~reach out and touch faith~….

I’m just sayin’,


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