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Where Are We Now?

So.  So, here we are.  Almost halfway through the year 2010.  A year when, back in 1950, it was predicted that we would be traveling around in hover crafts...the new vehicle of the new century and living lifestyles similar to The Jetsons.  Are you enjoying your personal hover craft?  I know I LOVE mine!  :-)  I also enjoy walking up to my home, having it call me by name, opening the door for me and welcoming me home from work with the smell of something magnificent baking in the oven!  Wasn't that supposed to be happening by now also?  Right!  The only welcome I get is a door flying open, a teenager screaming "what's for dinner" and the smell of wet dog.  I suppose Bill Gates has been so busy producing Microsoft Office 2010 that he hasn't had a chance to work on Microsoft Home 2000.  Bill, call me.  I'll tell you what features should be included in that program, like automatic back rub, make-up application, hair styling, maid services and master chef.  Creative avenues for time-out would also be a nice application.  Oh, and me being able to snap my fingers like Samantha Stevens to move from one location to the next.  I don't think I want to be beamed anywhere because I might lose important parts that I brain cells.
Well, back to reality.  Even though we aren't able to enjoy hover crafts or moving sidewalks, something you should be enjoying is the progress you've made through those New Year's Resolutions.  Right about now you are probably asking yourself, "What resolutions?  Was I sober?"  Do you remember your New Year's Resolutions?  Can you find the box top you wrote them on?  Or did you make one of those  electronic "notes to self" to help you remember them?  If you are like me, those resolutions are dust in the wind.  Oh, I had the best intentions to keep every single one of them, but somehow, life happened and distracted me from the task at hand.  I did a little research to find what some of the most popular New Year's Resolutions were, and here they are:

  • Improve health: lose weight, eat better and exercise more
  • Improve finances: get out of debt and save money
  • Improve career: get a better job
  • Improve self: become more organized, reduce stress, better time management
  • Take a trip
  • Help others
  • Spend more time with family and friends
  • Improve relationships
Now I pose the question - what were your resolutions and how many have you been able to complete?  While you are thinking about this and looking for the "list", I'm going to see if I can find where I filed my resolutions!
I'm just askin',


I resolved to not spend time reading and responding to blogs anymore, and I must say, I've done an far.

Anonymous said…
Well Margo, if you don’t make any resolutions, you can’t break any. Makes life much simpler. My New Year's resolution was to not make any resolutions and yes, I was sober. Wonder what they would have been if I hadn’t been? Oh well, there’s always next year.

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