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Merry Christmas, Feliz Navidad, Silent Night and the First Noel

I am not a traditional person.  My husband is not a traditional person. Therefore, it would stand to reason that Christmas decor and celebrations around our house are not traditional.  Our Christmas tree this year is white with black ornaments.  Gifts (actually empty boxes right now) are wrapped in black and white polka dot paper.  White boxes are tied with black tuille and ribbons.  The mantel is decorated with white garland, white twinkle lights, white and off-white candles/candlesticks and a few black ornaments scattered here and there.  You can see some of both in this Lipstick Legend portrait. 

Our favorite Christmas movie of all time is not the traditional White Christmas or It's a Wonderful Life.  Nope, not for us.  Our favorite Christmas movie of all time, A Christmas Story...the wonderful tale of Ralphie and his quest for an "Official Red Ryder Carbine-Action Two-Hundred-Shot Range Model Air Rifle with a compass in the stock and this thing which tells time" aka the Red Ryder BB Gun.  Every time we watch this movie we laugh as though we've never seen it before. We're sick that way.  AND, if you spend Christmas Eve or Christmas Day with us, you are required to watch the 24-hours of A Christmas Story.  It's a tradition.  Hmmm, wait, does that make us "traditional" after all?

So, given that we are a non-traditional Christmas type of family, would you really expect us to have a favorite "traditional" Christmas song?  If you are a bettin' person, I bet you would bet that we would have a very non-traditional Christmas song as one our favorites. After all, it would only be natural.  And, you would win your bet.  Not sure how much, as that would depend on how much you bet for or against the fact that we, as a family, would have a very non-traditional Christmas song as one of our favorites.   Now that I've drawn this out as long as possible, here it is, without further adieu, the video for one of our favorite Christmas songs...

I'm just sayin',


An REK concert is absolutely one of the first things we'll have to do back in Texas. Maybe we can catch him in College Station.
Benita said…
Most definitely looking forward to that! He is very entertaining!

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