So, last night we decided to take the boys to see Elf at the Alabama Theatre. For those of you who have never been to the Alabama Theatre, you are missing a treat! The Alabama Theatre was built in 1927 by Paramount Studios to showcase Paramount films. In 1987 the owners declared bankruptcy. Fortunately, it was purchased by Birmingham Landmarks, Inc. and was lovingly restored to its original grandeur. I was telling my husband that the last time I was at the Alabama Theatre was to see the movie Animal House (when it was originally released). I had a date with a college guy and after the movie we went to a party, Toga at that, held at his fraternity house. The main thing I remember was (1) the boy -- he was popular, cute and drove an awesome car and (2) everything was so filthy in that house I wouldn't touch a thing (have I mentioned I'm a bit obsessive/compulsive and a neat-freak??). I didn't really remember much about the movie or the theater...guess the filthy house blocked out everything else. But I digress...
The Alabama is one of the most beautiful pieces of history I've ever seen. The red velvet curtains, the gold painted ornate decor everywhere you turn, the marble floors, the ticket booth....just gorgeous! And there are no words to describe the Mighty Wurlitzer Pipe Organ!
Everyone claps and sits on the edge of their seats as it rises from beneath the stage. In original old school style, we saw an old Chip and Dale cartoon prior to the movie and were given the opportunity to participate in several Christmas carol sing-a-longs. While there, I had the honor of sitting next to two of the most wonderful elderly women, who had such great memories of the Alabama. I was so thankful they were willing to share a few of their stories. I hope to be able to meet with them again to acquire some additional stories and a few photos. They were so sweet and loving. However, they didn't seem to be that enamored with Elf, but I wouldn't have expected them to be. While we enjoy watching the movie over the holidays it was a bit crass for the grand ladies sitting beside me. If you've ever seen the movie, you know the scenes of which I speak!
Surprisingly, the boys were almost speechless and wondered why we had never taken them to such a cool place before! It is awesome and you just have to see it, as words will never do it justice. When you have a chance, take the time to visit the Alabama Theatre. While everyone thinks the sign outside is awesome, the inside is spectacular!!
I'm just sayin',
The Alabama is one of the most beautiful pieces of history I've ever seen. The red velvet curtains, the gold painted ornate decor everywhere you turn, the marble floors, the ticket booth....just gorgeous! And there are no words to describe the Mighty Wurlitzer Pipe Organ!

Surprisingly, the boys were almost speechless and wondered why we had never taken them to such a cool place before! It is awesome and you just have to see it, as words will never do it justice. When you have a chance, take the time to visit the Alabama Theatre. While everyone thinks the sign outside is awesome, the inside is spectacular!!
I'm just sayin',
Two years ago my "Wonder...ful Wife" and her best friend surprised me for my 50th birthday. We always sit in the mezzanine, so when we walked in there was most of my family as well as quite a few friends. Needless to say I was surprised. Connie had even arranged to display my birthday on the screen and the whole theatre sang "Happy Birthday"