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From the Windows to the Wall....

There is nothing like staying at a hotel and being away from home. I'm being sarcastic of course as I hate staying in hotels. I'm a germ-a-phobe and hotel life just doesn't work for me. But, it is the price I have to pay to attend the Imaging USA photography conference here in San Antonio. I have to block certain things out of my brain so that I'm not curled in the fetal position on the dirty floor crying like a baby and sucking my thumb. As it is we are having to get the cleaning service to come and clean the bathtub just so that I can get in the shower. I'm in the hotel lobby accessing the one hour of "free wi-fi" on my laptop. I can't stand being in the room until the shower is cleaned and if I don't stay out of it for a bit, I will find myself pacing the worn carpets until they are worn completely through. We germ-a-phobes worry about the germs that are breeding in our environment. I have to sleep in this environment therefore, I need relief.

Apparently, there is a bar right above the lobby as I hear loud music and "wooooo" girls. Now for those of you who don't know what "woooo" girls are, they are the chicks who, when something they like happens, hold their arms up in the air and scream "wooooo". I think at some point in our lives all women have been "woooo" girls. It's just the way it is. I'm not one. Not now at least. I may have been at one time, but I honestly can't remember.  The TV Show How I Met Your Mother had a great episode about "woooo" girls.  I think they explained it pretty well.  :-)

These particular "woooo" girls, must be having one big party up there. A few minutes ago the DJ played "Get Low" by Lil' Jon and the East Side Boyz. Now if you have ever heard this song you know it is pretty nasty....hmmm, not pretty nasty, alot nasty. The "woooo" girls were singing the lyrics loud and clear, as most "wooo" girls usually do. "Wooo" girls are not shy. Immediately following the "Get Low" sing-a-long, the chanting began..."go Kallie, go Kallie, go Kallie". For men, this usually signifies encouraging the chugging of some alcoholic beverage. Kallie was probably doing the same. Kallie and her "woooo" girl friends will not feel good tomorrow morning.

I'm just sayin',


The Strings said…
I wish I was going to the conference with you!!! Maybe next time! Can't wait to hear all about it!
Benita said…
Tammy,the conference is superbly fabulous! You will go with me next year -- to New Orleans!! Wish you were here!
What do you mean 'sleep'? You didn't sleep! Between the bathroom grimlins growling at you from the shadows and Kallie and the boys getting back to the adjoining room at ungodlyhour-thirty and tripping drunkenly about on the other side of our very thin and sound-amplifying door. Good times... were had elsewhere.
The Strings said…
I would love to go next year!!!

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