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I've Been Everywhere Man.....

Johnny Cash recorded a song entitled, I've Been Everywhere Man.  The chorus went something like this:

I've been everywhere, man.
I've been everywhere, man.
Crossed the desert's bare, man.
I've breathed the mountain air, man.
Of travel I've had my share, man.
I've been everywhere.


The song goes on to list all of the places he's been.  I'm going to replace those lyrics with places we've been over the past week:

Tuscaloosa, Meridian, Jackson, Vicksburg, Monroe, Shreveport,
Dallas, Austin, San Antonio, Houston, Katy, Beaumont,
Port Arthur, Bridge City, Lake Charles, Hammond,
Ponchatoula, Slidell, Baton Rouge, Hattiesburg,
Laurel and Birmingham.

For the past week, we have done little else but travel.  We are tired of being in a moving vehicle is an understatement.  We were glad to be back at home.  Granted, all we will get to do is pack for the 2nd phase of our move to Texas, but we have a whole 10 days to stay put in one place!  We're excited!

Yesterday, I wrote about the things I've learned along the way.  Here are a few more:

The only good thing about Mississippi is the classic country radio station 99.3!

Texas has Farm to Market labeled roads instead of County labeled roads. For example, Alabama has County Road 52.  Texas has Farm to Market Road 1375.
Texas has alot of "frontage" roads.  These run parallel to the interstate and are quite confusing to navigate.
Oil refineries are around every bend in the road in Texas.
Port Arthur, TX has little to nothing to offer the weary traveler.
Lower Louisiana has NO rest stops!  We drove from TX to MS with no rest stop in sight (on I-10).
Texas has the lottery.
Texas has the lottery.
Texas has the lottery.
I plan to get rich.
I plan to get rich.
I plan to get rich.

Meanwhile, back in Bama, the adventures never cease.  Earlier today we had to pick up my son's prescriptions from the Walgreen's located in Sumiton.  While I was waiting at the counter, a customer walked up to purchase cold medications no longer sold on the open shelf.  As we all know, certain cold and sinus medications have been used to make meth.  This customer asked for a specific cold medication and became somewhat upset when she was told the pharmacy was out.  She was offered an alternative but didn't want the alternative.  We gathered our prescription and walked out to our car.  While walking to the front of the store, my husband and I discussed the other person at the counter and the possibility of her purchasing drugs to make meth.  She just had that look, and smell, about her.  When we got outside, a police car was preventing us from leaving.  They were questioning persons in the vehicle parked next to ours.  They told us they would be moving their cars shortly so that we could leave.  We watched them search a passenger who had been in the vehicle.  We discussed once again how these people were probably involved in some sort of drug action.  When we were finally able to leave my husband asked me to follow a police car he saw drive down a side road.  We drove a few minutes but were never able to locate him.  We turned around to head back home.  As we drove past Walgreen's, we saw the customer who had been at the pharmacy counter complaining about the cold medication they did not have in stock, in handcuffs.  She was being given the VIP treatment while being shoved into the back of the police car.  Seems our hunch was right.  She shoulda took the money and run!

I'm just sayin',

I've been everywhere, man.
I've been everywhere, man.
Crossed the desert's bare, man.
I've breathed the mountain air, man.
Of travel I've had my share, man.
I've been everywhere.


Unknown said…
Don't forget - Dallas (well a little suburb right outside of Dallas - sort of like Adamsville is to Graysville) is the home of the MARY KAY HEADQUARTERS!!!! It's the beautiful PINK building - you can't miss it! BTW Margo - it has a really COOL museum inside also - you should check it out! Just sayin!
Benita said…
Will definitely be checking out the Mary Kay building and all things Dallas. For all the places we've been so far, I haven't made it to downtown Dallas yet! LOL

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