New adventures are on the horizon as I will be applying all I've learned here to my new business in Dallas, TX. I will probably change the name of my studio and streamline my photography to find my "niche". Finding your niche, your inner self and what you life to photograph are vital to your photography business. There are probably around 10,000 photographers here, which is a bit intimidating. But everyone brings something to the table and we can all learn from each other.
I've decided to become a part of Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep photography. NILMDTS is a non-profit organization that offers portrait sessions to parents of terminally ill or stillborn babies. Photographers join on a volunteer basis only. There is no compensation for this service. One of my friends on FB stated one of these photographers came to her when her little girl died and that those portraits were very special to her. I'm looking forward to beginning this new venture as well.
Well, it is back to the drawing board for the day! Tonight will end with a Bayou Bash previewing the location for next year's conference in New Orleans. Should be quite an experience.
I'm just sayin',