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Hollywood Glamour with the Real Magnolias......

I cannot tell you how many stories there are that involve the Real Magnolias. I've been going back through The Book and laughing at some of the things we said and did. I have been struggling with which story to tell next because they are all so memorable. I've chosen a rather tame one for this blog. In January, 2002, we decided we wanted to do glamour portraits. Remember when those were popular?? Yeah, about 100 years ago, right??!! One of our friends had her own photography studio at the time, so we held the event there. Everyone seemed to be quite excited about getting their hair and makeup done by professionals (we had a bonafide makeup consultant and a not-so-bonafide hair stylist in our group - she shoulda been bonafide though because she did an awesome job). Everyone looked stunning for their photo shoot. I chose to not have a portrait made. I HATE getting my picture taken. But I did help in the wardrobe department. My job was to be the "official boob taper". I did such a good job I was able to add that all important skill to my professional resume! Back in the day, I could tape a set a boobs for maximum cleavage in 4.3 seconds...flat! No pun intended. Men envy me and my abilities (and my good fortune)! :-)

Since I worked in the wardrobe department AND I was the official record keeper AND holder of The Book, it was my sworn duty to report any and all comments from the Real Magnolias w
hile they were preparing for their photo shoot. While eavesdropping among the up and coming starlets, I overheard these remarks:

"what are you laughing at"
"mine look like playtex nursers"
"where's the tape, I need more tape"
"at least you don't look like a 10-year-old boy"
"they aren't much, but they fed my children"

Now, while I will reveal the comments, the owners of the comments will never be revealed. Nor will their bra size!

As I'm writing this, I'm looking back over all the photos of those beautiful women on that special night. They truly looked glamorous, sexy, seductive, beautiful and unforgettable. Unfortunately, I can't scan the photos as the page from The Book is too large for my tiny scanner to handle. You will all just have to use your imaginations.

I'm just sayin',

PS....the Real Magnolia photographer refused to give each Magnolia a copy of her photo. They saw the proofs but never received the final product. So, in the true nature of a Real Magnolia (if you don't give us what we want, we take it), they stole their portraits from her a couple of years later!


Sam said…
Correction... We stole what we could find. But that's what you get for being a stingy and unfocused, not to mention dumb enough to carry them around with you then get coyotebellering drunk enough that you don't realize people are robbing you blind. Oh well given the opportunity I will get the rest-
Anonymous said…
Haha! I love it! Makes me sad that it’s been so long ago…loved these get-togethers…even if at this one I found out mine weren’t “tapeable”!! Is that a word?? LOL!
Anonymous said…
That night was hilarious! My husband still has the photo on his nightstand!

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