Dear Margo, Lately, I have alot in common with Chad Kroeger and Santana....." every time I try to talk to you, I get tongue-tied, it turns out that everything I say to you comes out wrong and never comes out right...." Do you ever feel like everything in your life is upside down and inside out? That it doesn't matter what you say or do it's always the wrong thing? I hate it when that happens. I feel as though there is a little imp following me around, wreaking havoc in my path. Lately, that is what my life has been -- everything I say or do seems to be the wrong thing. I'm told the best intentions count for nothing if the person on the receiving end doesn't receive it as such. So, what does one do? How do you approach a situation when you think that everything you say or do is being measured and taken the wrong way? You know your heart and what you mean, but how do you convey that to another person? Signed, Nothing Seems Right Dear Nothing Seems Right,...
The continuing saga of living the Sweet Life!